9 Jul 2015

List of remedies for a colicky baby – Help your baby

If your baby could talk, he would probably beg you to let him go back to the womb, where he felt safe, surrounded by warm water, darkness, muffled soothing sounds, never feeling hungry or tired and most importantly , Never experiencing pain.

I’ve spent many nights with a cranky baby, frantically searching the internet on my phone for a solution. So for all of you frustrated and tired moms and dads, here’s a one-stop list of remedies for a cranky or colicky baby. The possibilities are endless, because my baby responded best to a combination of things, and that combination seems to change quite often!
Above all, understand that fussiness is NORMAL. Many babies get fussy around night time, for various reasons. Unless your baby seems to be in pain, remember that it’s OK if he’s crying. Comfort and nurture him the best that you can, but don’t feel like a failure if it doesn’t help.

Try this list of remedies for a colicky baby and help your baby:

1.Take his temperature to make sure he’s not sick.

2.Swaddle him tightly.

3.Sing softly near his ear.

4. Hold him and bounce on a gym ball .

5.Try nursing the baby in motion (that means while moving your body in vibrating motion). I mastered this art.

6. Go for a walk with him in the stroller.

7. Sit or lay him in the bathroom with a hot shower going, the sound and steam is soothing.

8. Sit or lay him near a running washing machine. (Or put him in the carrier on top of the dryer , with supervision, of course.)

9. Rock him, bounce him, pace with him, keep him moving!

10. Lay him on his back and gently move his legs in a cycling motion, to relieve gas..

11. Go for a drive.

12. Play music near his ear.

13. Turn a blow dryer on near him.

14. Play white sound near his ear.

15. Press gently on the soft spot on his head, which relaxes him.

16. Put him in a swing.

17. Put him in a vibrating chair or a baby rocker.

18. Make sure he’s not too hot or too cold (take off or add a layer of clothes).

19. Breastfeed , even if he just fed, he could be cluster feeding, which means he eats a lot at night.

20. Give him a warm bath.

21. Check his diaper ( sometimes it’s the obvious things that go unnoticed).

22. Massage his body: arms, legs, torso, head.

23. If you’re using formula, consider changing the formula.

24. Keep him upright for 30 minutes after feeding.

25. Reduce stimulation , turn the lights off and turn off noise.

26. Allow baby to comfort nurse ,at times comfort nursing acts as a pacifier .

27. If u feel that he has reflux, lay him down inclined and not flat, so gravity can encourage the   breastmilk to stay down.

28. Cut out dairy products if you’re breastfeeding.

29. Use Gripe Water or Colicaid.

30. Gently rub his tummy in circular motions to dispel the gas bubbles.

31. Feed him upright, with the football hold, so he’s sitting up and latched on.

32. Pump your milk slightly, to relieve some of the pressure and decrease the let-down speed.

33. Burp him more during feedings.

34. Cut out foods that you eat that cause gas for you.

35. Cut out foods that he might have an allergy to ,be aware of what you eat and how he responds over the next few days.

36. If you’re breastfeeding, you might have a slow let-down, which can make baby frustrated. Try this: Compress the breast as he feeds, which forces the milk out faster.

37. Don’t feed him with a bottle with fast flow, anything slower than that, like your nipple, will be frustrating.


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