22 Apr 2015

13 Surprising Non Dairy Foods Rich in Calcium

 Are you struggling with dairy allergy? Does the taste of milk put you off? Lactose intolerance, is that the problem?
In these cases, how would you manage to get Calcium into your daily diet? Calcium is an important mineral as it strengthens your bones and regulates your blood pressure. To function normally, your nerves, muscles & blood vessels all require calcium. So, here are 13 non diary foods that come to your rescue.
  1. Figs – Abundant in calcium along with other minerals such as phosphorous, iron, potassium, as well as vitamins and an abundant fiber content this is a super food. Bite into its dried form which is said to be more nutrition concentrated than its natural counterpart.
  2. Mushrooms – whether baked, fried or cooked they are always a delicious delight. High in calcium, low on calories, low on carbs it is an all round health food. Full of Vitamin D they are the best foods to help absorb the calcium.
  3. Oranges – you may love them for their Vitamin C content, however, in addition to that they are also an incredible source of calcium. Eating one whole fruit or drinking one full glass of fortified orange juice in the morning accompanying your breakfast ticks off a good amount of your calcium need for the day.
  4. Broccoli – if there is any superhero amongst vegetables, it has to be broccoli. Rich in dozens of nutrients and with special cholesterol lowering benefits you can be sure there is something special in this veggie. Steam it for a high-calcium side dish. Else, you can simply add it raw to salads for an extra boost.
  5. Spinach – very rich in the antioxidants that help in our eyesight this green veggie is a must include food in regular diet. With a high iron & potassium content it also helps boost our immune system.
  6. White Beans – Most white beans have approximately 175mg of calcium per serving. Among the best foods for helping you lose weight due to their high fiber content you can relish some tasty dishes of this heart healthy legume.
  7. Salmon – this nutritious fish loaded with healthy fats and proteins is also a good source of iodine, vitamin K, B-vitamins, magnesium and iron. Both, Vitamin K and magnesium help in the absorption of calcium and increase its bioavailability.
  8. Almonds – With each nut containing almost 70-80 mg of calcium, you can blindly trust this for a healthy snack. You can consume a handful of them in between meals so that both your hunger pangs and dietary requirements are met.
  9. Chickpeas – loaded with calcium, they also contain magnesium which our body uses along with calcium to build bones. Add to salads or make yummy curries for chappatis or prepare hummus for pita bread and consume these sprouted legumes for a healthy diet.
  10. Papaya – if there is any near perfect fruit that meets the requirements of most of the vital vitamins and minerals in our diet, it undoubtedly is papaya. Apart from being rich in calcium, it is also packed with Vitamin A, C, E, Iron, Phosphorus, Potassium, Folic Acid, Beta-Carotene and Fiber.
  11. Sardines – If you are a frequent non vegetarian, ensure you include it in at least one meal a week. They deliver more calcium per serving than any other food. This is because they’re full of soft, edible bones. Thereby, making them a regular part of your diet can significantly boost the intake of several important nutrients, including calcium.
  12. Soy Milk – Getting your calcium from soy milk is a healthy decision as it is also a valuable source of Vitamin D. Research also says that it is very nutritious and may help lower risk for heart disease. All this, in moderation.
  13. Flax Seeds – to protect your bones and to control cholesterol and blood pressure, pick these tiny seeds that offer a host of benefits and are rich in calcium, copper, vitamin B6 and phosphorous.
For a small but tasty calcium boost, you may want to add a few spoons of dried herbs like thyme, rosemary, basil, parsley etc.  to your soups, salads, curries & steaks. Yes, even that tiny bit, helps.
So for those of you who do not consume dairy, now you know what other options you have. So, get those bones healthy with calcium.

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