In medical terms, white patches on the skin are known as vitiligo.
This can appear on different body parts including the hands, feet, arms,
legs, face, lips, and around the eyes and mouth.
The exact cause of this skin condition is still unknown. Experts believe that it could be an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system itself attacks the melanocytes or melanin-producing cells.
n medical terms, white patches on the skin are known as vitiligo. This can appear on different body parts including the hands, feet, arms, legs, face, lips, and around the eyes and mouth.
The exact cause of this skin condition is still unknown. Experts believe that it could be an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system itself attacks the melanocytes or melanin-producing cells.

Other causes that can contribute to this problem are a genetic predisposition, overexposure to sunrays, excessive stress, and vitamin B12 deficiency.
White patches on skin can also be caused by superficial fungal infections like tinea versicolor, eczema, psoriasis, or other skin conditions.
Irrespective of the cause, the problem tends to be embarrassing and could be killing your self confidence. But don’t lose heart as there are some natural remedies that you can try at home to deal with this problem. Moreover, at times it tends to resolve on its own.

Here are the top 10 ways to get rid of white patches on the skin. Also, consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.
The general dosage is 40 to 80 mg of ginkgo biloba, three times a day. To help determine the proper dosage and suitability of this herb for you, consult your doctor.
Simply apply extra-virgin coconut oil on the white patches two to three times a day at least for a few weeks.
The exact cause of this skin condition is still unknown. Experts believe that it could be an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system itself attacks the melanocytes or melanin-producing cells.
n medical terms, white patches on the skin are known as vitiligo. This can appear on different body parts including the hands, feet, arms, legs, face, lips, and around the eyes and mouth.
The exact cause of this skin condition is still unknown. Experts believe that it could be an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system itself attacks the melanocytes or melanin-producing cells.

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Other causes that can contribute to this problem are a genetic predisposition, overexposure to sunrays, excessive stress, and vitamin B12 deficiency.
White patches on skin can also be caused by superficial fungal infections like tinea versicolor, eczema, psoriasis, or other skin conditions.
Irrespective of the cause, the problem tends to be embarrassing and could be killing your self confidence. But don’t lose heart as there are some natural remedies that you can try at home to deal with this problem. Moreover, at times it tends to resolve on its own.

Here are the top 10 ways to get rid of white patches on the skin. Also, consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.
1. Babchi
Babchi or Psoralea corylifolia is considered an effective Ayurvedic remedy for hypopigmentation. Its active components help reduce white patches on skin. It also has antipsoriatic properties that help treat psoriasis.- Soak babchi (also known as bakuchi) seeds in ginger juice for three day. Make sure to replace the ginger juice every day. Then, remove the husks by rubbing the seeds between your hands, dry them in the sun and grind them to a fine powder. Consume one gram or about one-fifth of a teaspoon of this powder with a glass of milk daily for 40 days. You can also apply this power topically.
- Another option is to apply babchi oil on the affected skin areas and expose to sunlight for about 15 minutes (start with a short duration of sun exposure to check if the response is favorable). You can also use a combination of black seed oil and babchi oil.
2. Ginkgo Biloba
Research indicates that ginkgo biloba can help treat vitiligo because of its antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties. It can help reduce the progression of the disease and also induce repigmentation.The general dosage is 40 to 80 mg of ginkgo biloba, three times a day. To help determine the proper dosage and suitability of this herb for you, consult your doctor.
3. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil soothes the skin and heals chronic inflammation. It helps in the treatment of vitiligo because it promotes repigmentation of the skin. Plus, it has antifungal and antibacterial benefits.Simply apply extra-virgin coconut oil on the white patches two to three times a day at least for a few weeks.
4. Ginger
According to Chinese herbalism, ginger can be used as an excellent natural remedy for vitiligo. It improves blood circulation and helps with melanin production.- Place a freshly cut slice of ginger root on the affected area. Leave it on until the ginger dries. Do this once or twice daily for a few weeks or until you see improvement.
- You can also extract the juice from one large ginger root and a handful of fresh mint leaves. Drink it daily for a few weeks.
5. Copper
Copper is believed to help aid in the production of melanin. It is believed that copper is required by the enzyme tyrosinase which in turn is required for the synthesis of melanin pigment from tyrosine.- Pour drinking water in a copper pot or a copper vessel and let it sit overnight at room temperature. (Do not put this water in a refrigerator as it can destroy its properties and make it less effective.)
- In the morning, the water will be infused with copper ions that aid the production of melanin.
- Drink this water on an empty stomach every morning.
6. Red Clay
Red clay, too, has high copper content that can help restore skin pigment and get rid of white patches.- Mix equal amounts of red clay and ginger juice.
- Apply this paste on the affected areas
- Leave it on until it dries completely and then wash it off.
- Repeat daily for a few months.
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